Overview of Privacy Law in Australia - Hall & Wilcox

MUSO examines the Australian Piracy Problem and how the market is adapting to quench the public's appetite for legal content. In 2015, Australia became the king of Game of Thrones copyright infringement. With a country of just over 22 million people, it snagged the number one spot away from the USA and the UK with 11.6% of the total download rate. A day after thousands of websites went on strike protesting controversial anti-piracy legislation in the U.S., federal authorities today announced they have busted a pirate ring that allegedly Piracy rates decrease 4% overall. Some positive news on the piracy front from Australia in a report just released by the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation.. The study finds that Australian piracy rates (among those 18 to 64) have decreased 4% in the past year. There is for sure a Anti-Piracy law war that is going on. Some countries takes it more serious than others, and Australia is now proposing to take it even further! A new Anti-Piracy law affecting Google. Australia wants to end piracy, by taking a new Anti-Piracy law into action in the country. Australia: Data Protection Laws and Regulations 2020. ICLG - Data Protection Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues including relevant legislation and competent authorities, territorial scope, key principles, individual rights, registration formalities, appointment of a data protection officer and of processors - in 39 jurisdictions. Dec 15, 2016 · More than 60 websites devoted to helping people illegally download films and television shows will be blocked in Australia, the country's Federal Court ruled on Thursday, in a landmark victory for Australia: Crime Act 1914 (Source: United Nations) Australia: Crimes (Ships and Fixed Platforms) Act 1992 (Source: United Nations) Bahamas: Penal Code (Source: United Nations) Belgium: Loi relative à la lutte contre la (piraterie) maritime et modifiant le Code judiciaire (1) (Source: United Nations) Cuba: Penal Code; Ley contra actos de terrorismo 2001 (Source: United Nations) Cyprus: Piracy

Jul 15, 1994

May 13, 2014 Anti-Piracy law passed in Australia - Domain Coupons Pro Jun 23, 2015 National Legislation | Piracy Legal Forum

Mar 12, 2014

Jun 22, 2015 The Privacy Act — OAIC