internet relay chat (irc): IRC also known to be Internet Relay Chat is still very vital and subjective in the field of internet communication. May be perhaps due to gaming, people felt that it was time that they started to accquire the knowledge of how to setup, configure and use IRC.

mIRC – Basic Setup on Cuff-Link – Cuff-Link Community Blog Jul 27, 2015 How to setup a IRC server. - YouTube May 24, 2011 mIRC: Internet Relay Chat client mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by individuals and organizations to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. Serving the Internet community for over two decades, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology.

Dec 16, 2014 · Hopefully you already configured mIRC as described in part 1, because if you didn’t, be sure to go back and get things set up before following these steps. Before you download: Even though XDCC is safer than torrents, we absolutely think anonymization is a very good idea.

If not already done, please follow that guide first to set up your account. Once you have opened your account and registered your IRC nick(s) please continue! Now that you are connected to the Fuel Rats IRC server, press ALT+R (in mIRC) or click on the Tools menu and select Scripts Editor. The mIRC Scripts Editor window will pop up.

Setting up IRC |

Players set up races, and the RaceBot gives them a countdown. On GO! they start at the same time and both play through the game with the intention of finishing the goal first. Races are livestreamed so others can watch the action. mIRC will automatically enter your password when you join the SRL IRC in the future. Advanced users may want to Guide to setting up mIRC - TV-Nihon