Jan 06, 2020 · Ah, as stdbool.h documents, using it in C++ (apparently meant C++98) is a GNU extension, and for that I bet having those macros is desirable. And then there is C++11 [support.runtime]/8 that requires it is not done: "The header and the header shall not define macros named bool, true, or false."

/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai@FreeBSD.org * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or In C programming, what is the difference between bool and In C, _Bool is a keyword that has been officially part of the the language starting with the C99 standard. If you use _Bool as a data type, you don’t have to include anything special… it’s just another keyword. The standard says that _Bool is a da stdbool.h(7posix) [linux man page] - Unix

C++にを対応させるには、単にbool、true、およびfalseの定義を無効にするだけで可能です。具体的には、 #ifndef __cplusplus #define bool _Bool #define true 1 #define false 0 #endif のようにすることで、それらのマクロはC++では定義されなくなります。

The header is deprecated in C++. The header is deprecated in C++17 and removed in the draft C++20 standard. Requirements. Header: Namespace: std. Remarks. Including this header ensures that the names declared using external linkage in the C standard library header are declared in the std namespace. Compiler User Guide: Boolean type and <stdbool.h> in C99

Feb 05, 2001

problem with header file <stdbool.h> : cs50 What version of MSVC? this stack overflow post, which I found from a simple google search of "MSVC stdbool.h" says that MSVC 2010 doesn't fully support the c99 standard and this msdn blog post from the same search, seems to imply that it's supported in 2013. c - Better stdbool.h - Software Engineering Stack Exchange @KeithThompson If we made bool a keyword, then could change to reflect that. – user356583 Feb 6 at 15:08. 2. @0x10 Yes, of course. But if we made bool a keyword, it would break existing C code that uses bool as an identifier. – Keith Thompson Feb 6 at 20:59 | show 1 more comment.