New Snowden leak: NSA program taps all you do online - CNN

Partly as a result of the NSA leaks scandal, Brazil has become a powerful advocate of trying to limitmass global surveillance. In April, the country will try to introduce changes to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulations. ICANN is responsible for the coordination of the global internet's systems. NSA contractor says he leaked surveillance data 2013-6-10 · The government could also make an argument that the NSA leaks have aided the enemy — as military prosecutors have claimed against Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, who faces life in prison under The History of NSA and FBI Snooping and Cyber-surveillance 2020-7-19 · The Snowden leaks revealed a pattern of increasing surveillance from both the NSA and the FBI. The days of recording phone calls and copying security camera footage were over. Now these agencies can easily gather any personal information about anyone, usually without a warrant and without any kind of oversight.

2013-11-1 · In the last five months, the NSA's surveillance practices have been revealed to be a massive international operation, staggering in scope. But how do all of the NSA's programmes fit together

2013-6-17 · A U.S. board created after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to ensure government surveillance doesn’t violate citizens’ rights is reviving this week in the same secrecy as the programs it will The Biggest Leaks Revealed by Edward Snowden Part of the NSA’s surveillance and anti-terrorism measures also include the collection of countless email and contact lists from internet and smartphone users. Snowden’s leaks showed that up to 250 million of these contact lists could be taken each year.

Leaks of NSA, CIA Tools Have Leveled Nation-State

2013-6-17 · A U.S. board created after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to ensure government surveillance doesn’t violate citizens’ rights is reviving this week in the same secrecy as the programs it will The Biggest Leaks Revealed by Edward Snowden Part of the NSA’s surveillance and anti-terrorism measures also include the collection of countless email and contact lists from internet and smartphone users. Snowden’s leaks showed that up to 250 million of these contact lists could be taken each year.