NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System / [NSIS-commits

RequestExecutionLevel user; Attempt to give the UAC plug-in a user process and an admin process. I used NSIS version 2.46, with UAC version 0.2.2d from here: Why do I get NSIS Error? The possible cause is : the downloaded file is either incomplete or modified from the original file. Now you may ask that- What does this message mean? The massage means that- The installer has failed a self-check. This means that for some actions, the installer file has been altered from its original form. This is extremely simple, and unlikely to trigger the NSIS error, but you can try it as it has been known to help. Locate the setup file, and Right-click it, and select Rename from the list. Click it, and press F2 on your keyboard. Change the name to something simple which only has one word. For example, change it to Softwarenamesetup.exe. Try Yes I have the RequestExecutionLevel admin line, and that stopped the 'program failed to install' message. The problem I have is different and happens when you first run the installer. I may be wrong, I don't think it's an issue with UAC. Description. I had trouble finding a starting point for what I wanted to do, so here's my approach. This installer displays a license, installs two files to its application directory and creates a start menu item. Aug 11, 2017 · nsis: { oneClick: false, allowElevation: false, perMachine: true, } Installer has RequestExecutionLevel admin and requires admin to run. develar closed this Aug 11, 2017

What I basically want is TeamViewer-like first page for my NSIS installer with the following options: 3 radio buttons for: Run Only; Install for current user; Install for all users (requires restart with admin rights). A label for license like in TeamViewer (i.e. no actual EULA page, only a link to it in the footer).

For instance, rather than completing RequestExecutionLevel and then specifying an option, you can directly choose RequestExecutionLevel user from the completion menu. To complete compile time commands , variables or predefines , make sure to omit special characters like ! , $ and brackets: We're using NSIS Unicode 2.46 to build our product's installer. the installer does things that require admin privileges. This is why we're setting "RequestExecutionLevel admin" in our script. Used as CFBundleIdentifier for MacOS and as Application User Model ID for Windows (NSIS target only, Squirrel.Windows not supported). It is strongly recommended that an explicit ID is set. artifactName String - The artifact file name template.

Scripting Reference - NSIS Wiki

RequestExecutionLevel SetFont ShowInstDetails ShowUninstDetails SilentInstall SilentUnInstall SpaceTexts SubCaption UninstallButtonText UninstallCaption NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a tool that allows programmers to create such installers for Windows. It is released under an open source license and is completely free for any RequestExecutionLevel user or admin - Winamp & Shoutcast