Give it the name you want the command to be called (restart), followed by .bat (restart.bat), and make sure there is no .txt extension after the filename. If a dialog opens about changing the file extension, you did it the right way and click "Yes". Right click the file and click "Edit".

bash - Restart a script if it stops without using crontab restart after daily kill. The kill script restarts the above wrapper script. A script running as a different user checks regularly whether the script is still running and restarts it if necessary. This does require sudo / su or a SUID binary, though, if this is not run by root. How To Schedule Windows Server For Automatic Restart Open Task Scheduler. In the newer versions of Windows Server you can just click on the start button … How to Run Linux Commands and Scripts Automatically on a Just reboot for the startup script to take effect. Conclusion. These are a few methods that can be used to automatically run scripts and apps on startup. If you are looking to run scripts that doesn’t require root access, I would recommend using “Startup Applications” GUI app. reboot - Power shell script to Restart the multiple

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If you want to restart a failed service you do not need to run a script. In the services MMC snapin right click on a service, select properties, click the recovery tab. Here you can set what actions you want taken should the service stop. There is alot of flexibility available.

Dec 28, 2013 · Use it to easily start, stop, pause or restart any service from an elevated command prompt, or in a convenient script/batch file. Using NET to stop a Windows Service. To stop a service, run: net stop where is the name of the service. Be sure to enclose it in quotes if it contains a space!

Dec 02, 2019 [Solved] How to Stop/Restart a Script? - Unity Forum Jul 24, 2017 Script Rebooting a Server - Apr 13, 2011 GitHub - BrownyProd/restart-script: Simple resource to