A simple public IP address API that shows both IPv4 and IPv6 either separately or together. It can be setup in seconds inside your favorite language.

Nov 19, 2013 · Your IP Address plus Port Scanners, Traceroute, HTTP Compression Test, Ping, Whois, DNS, IP Geo Location, Password Generator and many more tools and how-to's Your IP Address is Networking Tools For some time now there is a negative hype that the Internet is running out of IP addresses (each computer on the internet has an IP address), thus IPv6 protocol has been invented many years ago and gradually the Internet is moving house to IPv6, but it's still few years away from fully making the switch. We also have tools that check for proxies and IPv6. My IP Address, the what ? The term ‘IP’ stands for Internet Protocol. An IP Address is given to each device connected to the Internet which will then allow that device to send and receive data from other devices. This IP is your online fingerprint, it can be used to track you by any entity IPv6 is a far more appropriate format for multicasts because the streaming host knows in advance that each IP address only represents a single device. Theoretically, because it uses simpler data headers and is more optimized for peer-to-peer traffic, IPv6 should also offer performance benefits over IPv4 . Nov 03, 2019 · What is IPv6? IPv6 is an Internet addressing system that is designed to replace IPv4. It works in a very similar way as IPv4 but offers some additional benefits.. As the pool of available IPv4 addresses diminishes, there was a need to implement a protocol that offers a much larger pool of IP addresses to accommodate the ever-growing demand in the IP space. About this Tool. Knowing your address by IP address can help you run more detailed reports on your specific IP. If you are behind a firewall and using a local private network addresses, this tool can also show you what the public IP address of your network is, as the public Internet sees it. Jan 10, 2017 · IPv6 is the future. Since IPv4 addresses are on the verge of exhaustion, most of the ISPs and other organizations have started migration from IPv4 to IPv6. The IP in the screenshot is not your IP, but it is the IP of the interface of your Internet

A simple public IP address API that shows both IPv4 and IPv6 either separately or together. It can be setup in seconds inside your favorite language.

Sep 22, 2016 · Switching from IPv4 to IPv6 will give the Internet a much larger pool of IP addresses. It should also allow every device to have its own public IP address , rather than be hidden behind a NAT router .

The present version of the IP address, IPv4 (IP version 4) is containing a 32-bit value that is limiting the total number of addresses to approximately 4.3 billions. In the coming IP version 6, IPv6, the IP number consists of 128 bits which will increase the number of IP addresses to a gigantic quantity.

A new version of the IP protocol (IPv6) has been invented to offer virtually limitless number of unique addresses. An IP address is written in "dotted decimal" notation, which is 4 sets of numbers separated by period each set representing 8-bit number ranging from (0-255). Sep 22, 2016 · Switching from IPv4 to IPv6 will give the Internet a much larger pool of IP addresses. It should also allow every device to have its own public IP address , rather than be hidden behind a NAT router . Your IP Address Copy to Clipboard Get a new IP IP Information Type: IP Leak Test IPv6 Leak Test: WebRTC Leak Test: If you are connected to a VPN and see your original IP address here this means that your VPN is leaking and is exposing your real location. IP History Prevent WebRTC leaks Manually … What is My IP? Read More » IPv4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP). It uses a 32-bit address space that provides 4,294,967,296 (2 32) unique IP addresses. Top IP address space owners. 27 companies and organizations uses 40 IPv4 /8 blocks, that is 15% of all 256 IP blocks. Companies and organiztions that owns more then 1 IP block: Does my personal information show based on my IP Address? Your personal information, e.g., name, physical address, age, gender or any other info does not show in an IP lookup, only your country, ISP, state, city, latitude, longitude shows up if anyone tries to find your IP location.